Maybe for adults in a long term, healthy, committed, monogamous relationship, AKA marriage. 可能对于长期处于一段健康,忠诚,一夫一妻的关系,也即婚姻中的成年人来说是这样的吧。
China and America s University Sports Culture: A Comparative Study of Four Universities; The American cultural ideal, which bears no relationship of any sort to American cultural reality, is a monogamous marriage between two virgins. 中美两国大学体育文化比较研究&以哈佛、耶鲁、清华、北大为个案美国的文化理想是两个处子之间的一夫一妻制婚姻,这与美国文化的现实情况毫无关系。
Although love has no right or wrong, I would prefer supporting traditional monogamous marriage. 虽然爱情是没有对或错,但还是比较传统的支持一夫一妻的婚姻。
That was precluded by the very nature of strictly monogamous marriage under the rule of the man. 在男子统治下的牢固的个体婚制的整个本质,是排斥这一点的。
However, monogamous marriage did not by any means appear always and everywhere in the classically harsh form it took among the greeks. 不过,个体家庭决不是在任何地方和任何时候都具有像希腊人中间所有的那种古典的粗野形式。
Patriarchy instead of matriarchy, the form of marriage had changed. The dual marriage and the monogamous form of marriage appeared. Women reduced to slavery party in the marriage relationship. 随着父权制代替母权制,婚姻形式也随之发生了变化,对偶婚和一夫一妻制婚姻形式出现,女性在婚姻关系中沦为被奴役的一方。
It violated is a monogamous marriage. 它侵犯的客体是一夫一妻制的婚姻关系。